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Tamakkan Profile: Mark C. Thompson

Global thinker shares secrets of success
Tamakkan launches Entrepreneur Free Advice program

Abu Dhabi,UAE Leaders in the ‘new normal’ are expected to multitask 24/7 and produce great results, while using fewer resources, and this requires exceptional leadership skills with passionate engagement, said CEO coach and global thinker Mark C. Thompson, at a Tamakkan seminar attended by business leaders in the U.A.E. capital.


Thompson’s recent bestselling book, “Success Built to Last,” which he wrote with Jerry Porras and Stewart Emery, presents the experiences of 200 remarkable humans, including Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton, Maya Angelou, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, on what they learned from failures and victories. The book is available in both English and Arabic.

Thompson, who is CEO and Co-Founder of Virgin Unite Mentors, Richard Branson’s network for executive coaching and entrepreneurial innovation, shared insight on world-class companies and business figures that first struggled with change, and then reinvented their business, not only by embracing change, but by transforming their companies into some of the world’s most recognized, respected, and innovative businesses.

“The highest achievers in the world—from billionaires to Nobel laureates, to Academy Award winners—have found a unique secret to sustainable high achievement.  It is a concept that is simple to say, but difficult to accomplish: The key to Success that’s Built to Last is to create a Life that Matters to you and the people you serve,” said Thompson.

He noted that a common trait among high achievers is the belief that they can derive more knowledge from their failures than they often do from their successes. “Challenges force you to learn faster and improve your skills and processes. Successful people embrace the opportunity to learn with a sense of urgency.”

Tamakkan, an entrepreneurship, leadership and innovation platform established by BrandMoxie, organised the seminar featuring Mark C. Thompson, in collaboration with AmCham Abu Dhabi and The London Speaker Bureau.

During the same event, Tamakkan announced the launch of the Entrepreneur Free Advice program, monthly sessions where entrepreneurs are able to get guidance and instantaneous answers to their questions, from participating experts who offer legal advice in addition to consulting on financing, marketing, branding, sales, life balance, and other issues of concern to small and medium size enterprises (SMEs).

“Tamakkan is thrilled to be hosting Mark C. Thompson. We thank Mark for sharing his knowledge with entrepreneurs in the UAE. Mark presents world class experiences that are invaluable, extremely relevant, and totally transferable to the SME environment in the UAE,” said Sana Bagersh, Founder of Tamakkan, and CEO of BrandMoxie.

Thompson announced at Tamakkan that proceeds from the sale of his book at the event would be donated to support Tamakkan’s Free Advice program. “I am donating books and time because I believe in your vast potential here to build a better world through entrepreneurial leadership,” said Thompson.

The Tamakkan seminar was hosted at Al Mamoura Auditorium in Abu Dhabi, and is also supported by SERCO.



Mark C. Thompson is the CEO and Co-Founder of Virgin Unite Mentors, Sir Richard Branson’s network for executive coaching and entrepreneurial innovation. A venture capitalist, he is one of America’s top investors, described by Forbes Magazine as having ‘the Midas Touch’. He has worked with some of the world’s most iconic business figures, including Charles Schwab, Steve Jobs, Marshall Goldsmith, and Sir Richard Branson. Today, Mr. Thompson spends most of his time serving as a mentor, providing real-time solutions to today’s leadership challenges. “Success Built to Last”, is Mark’s recent bestselling book, written with Jerry Porras and Stewart Emery. The authors interviewed 200 remarkable human beings, including Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton, Maya Angelou, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. They shared how they learned from failures, harvested victories, and found the courage to be true to their passions.For more information, visitwww.markcthompson.com


AmCham Abu Dhabi (the trademark of the American Business Group of Abu Dhabi) is a member of the global network of American Chambers of Commerce. The AmCham Abu Dhabi mission is to promote commerce, investment and goodwill between the United States of America, the membership, the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates. AmCham Abu Dhabi is an independent, not-for-profit association comprised of Fortune 500 corporations, small and medium sized companies and prominent business leaders and entrepreneurs. AmCham Abu Dhabi provides a uniquely situated platform through which executives pursue and discuss issues impacting business operations between the United States of America and United Arab Emirates. Substantive government advocacy programs, educational and networking programs and customized business services are just a few of the many benefits AmCham Abu Dhabi provides its members. For more information, visit:  www.amchamabudhabi.org


The London Speaker Bureau is the world’s largest speaker bureau.  We work with some of the world’s leading business personalities and political figures.  Whether you are looking for someone to deliver a keynote speech for large scale conferences and seminars or to speak at smaller gatherings, such as corporate dinners or internal team-building activities, The London Speaker Bureau provides you access to some of the world’s leading experts and most dynamic figures within the field of business, management, economics, politics, innovation, technology and science. For more information, visit: www.londonspeakerbureau.com

Author: Tamakkan

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