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Randa El Zein

Randa El Zein

Randa El Zein -After acquiring a bachelor’s degree in Lebanon, a Master’s degree in Italy and spending a long career in Interior Design both in UAE and in Canada, Randa has chosen to shift directions completely 5 years ago and to start a new path. A path dedicated for serving others. She has transformed many lives and it is her aim and life mission to integrate her programs into the schools as she believes this would help the students with everything they need other than academics. She is a certified life coach, facilitator, speaker, author and a member of the International Coach Federation holding several designations.

Jules Lewis – A sought after motivational speaker based in Abu Dhabi specializing in Leadership, Adventure and Wellness. She has over 20 years of experience working in Asia, Europe and the Middle East training top executives from Fortune 500 companies including HSBC, AXA Insurance, BNY Mellon, and many more. In addition, Jules has led over 50 expeditions in 20+ countries around the globe including “Polar Expeditions” to the Arctic and Antarctica. Jules holds a BSc Degree in Sports Science and is a certified NLP Master Practitioner and Coach through the American Board of Practitioners.

Presenter at Tamakkan

Author: Tamakkan

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