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(As published in Tempo magazine, March 2012) By Ian Mason

Change is swirling around Abu Dhabi, as thick in the air as sand from a shamal. The skyline is changing, culture is changing and even the weather patterns are changing.

Change is happening in our business world too; some of it good, some not so good. Reorganisation at government and corporate entities means that things don’t stay the same for long, and it is inevitable that you will be affected by change, either personally or through your family and friends.

Change triggers different reactions in people. Many are inspired by change; for others, it means anxiety, uncertainty and demotivation.

Change might lead to new job descriptions, new colleagues, new office locations, new cultures, new ways of thinking…that is if you manage to actually hold on to your job. Many people scoff at change and underestimate its harmful effect on employees.

Handling change management is a skill that few people have, and poor execution can exacerbate the problems that might exist. Managing change can be as detailed as employing specialist change management consultants to oversee the process, or as simple as conducting some highly targeted, spectacularly fun team development activities.

There is no right or wrong approach – it is whatever suits the circumstances best.

Team development – or team building – events are not appreciated by all; sceptics see it as a way to extract thousands of dirhams from susceptible companies. However, many firms, some of them on the Fortune 500 list, use team development to re-energise, re-motivate and re-connect staff who are suffering the negative effects of change.

Team development has a vital role to play in providing an outlet for internal frustrations and anxieties. Such anxieties can manifest itself in ways such as jostling for power, working inclusively, acting in a superior manner or even deliberate destabilisation, and none of these are conducive to business harmony and growth.

No facilitator worth their salt will claim that a one-off, single-day team development event is the panacea to corporate ills. However, an exciting day of inspiring and creative events, with or without a message, can have a positive impact on a team, and repeated events can lead to more permanent behavioural change.

Team development is often associated with extreme events such as rockclimbing or firewalking, and if that does it for your team, go for it! But team development doesn’t need to be as severe as this. Thoughtful games, puzzles and activities can generate the same positive outcome, as long as they fit with the company’s desired outcomes and are delivered in stimulating and memorable way.

Team development can happen within the office, during meetings or even at lunchtime. They can also be outsourced to a professional company who can deliver effective activities to dynamically engage staff.

With so many corporate changes happening in the region at the moment, now is the time to seriously consider the benefits of team development to ensure your company stays ahead of the game. Team development shouldn’t be seen as a cost; rather, it is an investment that will reap significant dividends through united and better performing staff.

As they say, the only certainty about change is uncertainty. You can’t fight it, so make sure you manage it the best way you can. Consider team development events as part of your change management strategy.


Ian Mason is Training Manager at BrandMoxie and Tamakkan. Brand Moxie offers a range of professional skill workshops and team development events for companies, covering areas such as customer service, change management, team cohesion and communication. Email Ian at ianmason@brandmoxie.com for further details, or call (02) 419 8624.

Author: Tamakkan

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