Topic: Managing staff
1) What key personality traits does an entrepreneur need for a successful business?
Persistence: Never giving up no matter what mistakes you made or what you go through
Open-Mindedness: Always listen to your employees, customers and other companies because there is always room for more things to learn and more improvements
Sense of Humour: Being your own boss is a fun thing and should never be serious (but still firm). Humour in a business serves as a great stress-breaker, great ice-breaker and, in some cases, a great face-breaker 😉
2) What are some of the recruiting considerations that a start-up business needs to remember?
Trust: You always need some who can stick around with you during the first few hard years of running your business
Mix of Experience and Insight: It is important to have, both, people who are experienced and people who are fresh that can aid the company by either solving problems that happened in the past or explore new things that haven’t been done before
Charm and Enthusiasm: Employees represent your company regardless of what positions they are, these attributes can help give a good image of the company especially during its infancy stage to customers, suppliers and other businesses
3) How should a manager motivate staff?
There are many ways of motivating the staff either through intrinsic or extrinsic means, however what I find most effective is allowing the staff to give their input into the many aspects of the business. It helps empower themselves so that they can take initiatives and always be on the look-out for how to improve the company. It is better to make them feel like they are part of the company as a whole instead of just being employed for only one type of job their. When it comes to family business, the employees must have a feeling that they are one big family as opposed to just being a regular company.
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