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Topic: Marketing for SME’s

1) What are the best marketing channels for start-up entrepreneurs?

Never underestimate the power of word of mouth. Tell everyone about your new business. You will be surprised at the opportunities that would arise. Also, social media networks are the best channel nowadays. Your reach is limitless, and it’s what everyone is tuned into now.

2) How can start-up entrepreneurs attract publicity?

Contact bloggers. Yes they are becoming powerful contacts especially in our region, with a wide base of audience.Also never hesitate to contact media channels directly. You will be surprised at how accepting they are, and how they are on the lookout for new talents. It has worked for me

3) What are some marketing tips for start-up entrepreneurs?

Know your target audience, and contact them directly. Also make sure to launch a product that is actually needed. Test your product around with a group of friends or acquaitances, get their advice, and their suggestions on how you can improve it. Also have some focus groups and discuss your marketing/advertising campaign. The best ideas are generated through group discussions.

Author: Tamakkan

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